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Exquisite Imperfection

In this project, I interviewed Karley Wasaff, a dancer, to tell her story throughout her dance career. I used many multimedia platforms in order to convey her story to the best of my ability. 


Karley labels herself as someone who is exquisitely imperfect. The daily life of a dancer is time consuming, tedious, and tiring. Dancers have to transition from being a dancer, to being a choreographer, to being a technician sometimes all in one day. It can be hard to go from telling people what to do, to being told what to do and being obedient.


Karley’s dance teachers have told her to point her toes harder, to jump higher, and to perform more. Not only do you have to use your body in order to dance, you also have to use your words, mind, and creativity. When she is dancing she feels as though she is the only person in the room. All the constant thoughts circling her brain seem to vanish when she is moving throughout the space.


What keeps her motivated to continue dancing throughout the hardships, is dance itself. Dance makes her feel free. Whenever she is moving through the space she feels as though she is hyper aware of everything that is going on. She knows when someone is next to her, if someone is scratching their nose, or the spotlights surrounding her. She can feel the energy in her body running through the tips of her fingers through the tips of her toes. Movement to her is a lifestyle, it’s a drug, and most of all, it’s her happiness.


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